Elia Battistelli is an experimental cosmologist working at the Physics department of the "Sapienza" University of Rome. Since his graduation in 1999 he has been continuously working on developing radio-frequency and millimetric/sub-millimetric instrumentation and analyzing Cosmic Microwave Backgrouind (CMB) data with particular interest to the Sunyaev Zel'dovich effect and to the polarization of the CMB.
He got the PhD in the "Sapienza" University of Rome (Italy) in 2004 and then he worked at the "Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias" (Spain) and at the University of British Columbia (Canada). He is now an Associate Professor in the "Sapienza" University of Rome in the experimental cosmology laboratory. Elia has experience in instrumentation, data-analysis and theoretical works.
On 2009 and on 2015 he participated to the XXV and XXXI antarctic campaigns of the "Progetto Nazionale Ricerche Antartiche" (PNRA). His work is proven by more than 100 refereed and conference proceeding publications written both as leader and as a member of the numerous collaborations he belonged to (h factor 34). He has presented several contributions to international conferences and workshops and has extensive and constant teaching experience. He fluently writes, reads and speaks in Italian (mother-tongue), English, and Spanish.
In Mauna Kea-Hawaii in front of the Keck observatory
In Antarctica, Dome C, preparing BRAIN-pathfinder
In front of the Parkes telescope in NSW-Australia